I had the privilege, lately, in New Castle, Pa., to spend several hours in the largest tin mill in the world. Steel bars are brought in and rolled into plates.…
Don’t be conformed to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds so that you can figure out what God’s will is—what is good and pleasing and mature. - Romans 12:2
I had the privilege, lately, in New Castle, Pa., to spend several hours in the largest tin mill in the world. Steel bars are brought in and rolled into plates.…
Did it ever occur to you that the Bible is a different book for every earnest man or woman? When you think of the Bible, you think of your Bible,…
To the pastor of such a blessed fold, with the busy, dangerous world outside, the wolf near at hand, and the flock in peril, we say: Use all the spiritual…
All the activities of a new convert’s life must be captured and controlled in the interest of his new career. His body as well as his soul must be held…
In the Methodist Episcopal Church, there is a “probation” period for catechumens that lasts for six months. During this time, all people who want to join the church go through…
All of the church’s resources must be used to protect people during the dangerous reactions that almost always follow a revival. Upon the young converts must be brought steadily and…
Converts must understand that the essential element in religion is not “good feeling,” but “good willing.” It is Divine truth at work in the soul, beyond the intellect, among the…
Converts must grow in grace. They must grow out of the period of “milk” into that of “strong meat.” They must grow in knowledge, in love, and in self-control. They…
Converts must stop being dependent on their circumstances, especially the strange and unusual ones that brought them to their new faith. “Milk for babes.” The glow of the revival, the…
Converts must stop relying on the most important and respected tools of converting grace.The most successful evangelists are men, and, singularly, they are often very ordinary and very weak men—neither…