God enjoys honoring his earthly offspring by using them as tools for mutual blessing. His strategy is to primarily employ instrumentality and intermediate agency. The divine government’s entire structure is based on this idea. God “shows his arm” from time to time, letting his power be felt directly in the worst times in history. However, he realizes that working through mediation as opposed to going straight to court is preferable in light of his vast knowledge. He makes the human race self-reliant in order to educate it. He doesn’t do anything for it that it couldn’t do on its own. He gives people enough resources to develop their minds, shape their personalities, and look for happiness. The earth’s constitution contains all of the latent components of a high civilization. However, God has not directly revealed the laws of art or the tenets and truths of science. The law was written with his own hands on the stone tablets, but the divine hand was never actively involved in the creation of any painting, statue, or building. Bezaleel, like many others whose spirits were receptive to the touches of the Holy Spirit, possessed the spirit of wisdom as an artist solely as a quickening effect. God created the world with civilization, science, and the arts in mind. He truly is the model for all art, the father of all knowledge, and the origin of all civilization. He does, however, bless and decorate human life and advance mankind without using the holy spirit directly. Jesus Christ, the God-man, did not directly add to the body of knowledge in this field. He possessed all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge, and he was capable of foreseeing all the advancements in modern science in a single work. However, God did not intend for the human race to be self-educated and self-advancement in this way. Man must determine his own fate. Round after round, he must climb the progress ladder, gaining strength from the effort and being rewarded for his labor by the subjective advantages of the struggle. God places man in a world where everything is ready to satiate his inquisitive mind and advance the skill of his crafty hand, doing nothing for man that he cannot do for himself. Therefore, the race educates itself by subduing the land.

Regarding the advancement of humanity’s spirituality, this law is valid. God doesn’t directly provide for us in this area what we can provide for ourselves and one another. He has entrusted the ministry of the gospel to mortals, not to angels. It has pleased him to deliver those who believe through foolish preaching. He has made it our responsibility and honor to pray for one another, equating intercessory prayer with self-prayer. Every person who receives his grace is required to give it to others, and he has commanded that everyone who confesses to be a follower of Christ must likewise declare him to others. Human agency is required in order for the gospel’s supernatural forces to work and for them to do so. Only as quickly as willing employees are available can the world be transformed. God uses both men and women to lead people to Christ. They are the witnesses of Christ. They have a duty to spread the gospel’s good news. Before the joyful music may be heard throughout the entire world, it must pass from mouth to mouth and heart to heart.

All nations are used in one song. People who live in valleys and on rocks will shout to one another, and mountain peaks Earth rolls the joyful hosanna about as distant mountains catch the flying ecstasy and teach it to nation after nation.

The divine knowledge is found in this approach. The tools God has given man to use to work out his own salvation are both inside and outside of him. God won’t do anything for man that he cannot do for himself in this realm, just as he won’t in the natural or material ones. The motivations are the same, they are founded on the same ideas, and they are manifestations of the same transcendent knowledge and goodness. God acknowledges the reality that the followers of Christ can only live his life, shine in his light, and wear his likeness in this way by making the spread of the gospel dependent on human initiative. Believers discover the food that sustains their own souls in educating, praying for, and encouraging the world to come to Christ. With this kind of service, the blessed Head of the Church cultivates its most noble nature, decks it out in its most divine beauty, and raises it to the lofty plane where holy men and women follow him while wearing white.


  • Nathan Zipfel

    Ordained Elder in the Church of the Nazarene Pastor of the New Life Church of the Nazarene in Boswell, PA. Batchelor of Arts Pastoral Leadership, Nazarene Bible College Master of Arts, Ministry, Ohio Christian University Master of Social Work, Indiana Wesleyan University Behavioral Health Therapist, Certified Trauma Professional

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By Nathan Zipfel

Ordained Elder in the Church of the Nazarene Pastor of the New Life Church of the Nazarene in Boswell, PA. Batchelor of Arts Pastoral Leadership, Nazarene Bible College Master of Arts, Ministry, Ohio Christian University Master of Social Work, Indiana Wesleyan University Behavioral Health Therapist, Certified Trauma Professional

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